How to Add Some Pizazz to Your Commercial Roof


Commercial roof replacement can be a huge undertaking, not only in expense, but time. If you’re going to make an investment of this nature, why not think outside the box? Are there ways to enhance the roof and the neighborhood, aside from consideration of materials? Think about the options of turning the roof into something more.

Is your building used by tenants? Might they appreciate a rooftop playground and/or patio? What about some rooftop gardens? With careful thought, these amenities can be relatively easy to incorporate, adding usefulness to a previously unused space. Enhancements like this may attract new tenants and add to the neighborhood appeal. In turn, you may appreciate added value to your property.


If your commercial roof replacement does not lend itself well to a flat surface, consider the possibility of using it as advertising real estate. If there is an overpass close by or the building is in the flight path of an airport, consider painting your business’s slogan or mission or other form of advertising on the roof. If not, just by adding the aesthetic appeal of a sculpture will be visually pleasant.


These examples require planning and additional cost, but give back in value. For example, a rooftop garden may require additional waterproofing and sturdier material than asphalt to withstand the foot traffic. A sculpture perched on a corner will require reinforcement. Consider, though, the positive impact of commissioning a piece that depicts the town’s motto or the personality of the neighborhood. While it is an additional expense, it will show your investment in the community.


Commercial roofs don’t have to be just a lid on top of a building. With a little ingenuity, advice and expense, your commercial roof replacement can go from plain to pizazz. Your tenants, your neighbors and neighborhood will be impressed by your consideration and addition to the area, and you just might realize increased value in your investment.